About us
With MyTVchain the community takes back control of their content!
MyTVchain allows federations, sports, sports clubs and all the activities related to it, to create their web TV and animate their communities.

Our mission

The mission of MyTVchain is to help federations, sports and sports clubs to increase their notoriety and accelerate the growth of the development of their TV channel. We are building a new model in which the sports world and viewers negotiate directly on the blockchain, thereby eliminating the need for intermediaries.

Our vision

Our vision is to offer a private Web TV for each sporting entity: Federation, club, amateur athlete, champion or former champion ... A Web TV Based on a freemium model, which allows the owners of these channels to add services that can be purchased by viewers, thanks to the tokens they earn by watching and sharing videos.


MyTVchain revolves around three main concepts:
-Help Federations, clubs, sportsmen… to finance their activities
-Return the value of their content
-Generate growth
So many axes that aim to move to a new era of value creation for all sports communities

Broadcast, animate,

Broadcast your events live using our intuitive tools. MyTVChain allows you to have your own channel on your website for free, and enjoy all the benefits of its community!

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